Friday, June 22, 2012

Silk Foliage

I don't know where the week went but it's Friday evening already. WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?  I have a little idea for you super thrifty crafters out there that I would like to share. A while back I had some excess silk foliage that was just too good to throw out. I took the plastic veins from the back of the leaves so they would be flexible and started playing around with them. I used some as appliques and thought that looked pretty good. So what could I do with the rest of them?...... I always like something under my table lamps, vases, etc. so I cut a circle of heavy (denim or canvas) fabric, serged around the edge of it and started placing the leaves in an eye pleasing arrangement to see what looked best. I ended up making a circular pattern with the different sized leaves. I started sewing them to the backing from the outside edge, overlapping each row to cover my stitching. I was very pleased with the results. The foliage was so life like (Ajuga ground cover) and the colors blended well with my color scheme. I want to try another one with a different type of leaf soon. Or maybe something with silk flowers! Maybe a styrofoam topiary....... I will make a virtual one tonight as I sleep, who knows what I will find in dreamland. If it turns out well you may see it on our website  Good night and sweet dreams!

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